SSIP 2013 is located in Veszprém, Hungary
Veszprém and its surroundings with Lake Balaton is one of the most visited and most popular tourist destinations in Hungary. With its about 70 thousand population, University with five Faculties, two theatres, several schools, architectural and cultural offerings Veszprém is one of the most liveable town in Hungary.
For more information about the city visit
Travel information is available here.
Lectures and registration will be in building A (Faculty of Economics) room A2.
Egyetem str. 10. Please click on the image to get to street view.
The student hostel called Hotel Magister is the preferred accomodation with double rooms (two rooms, 4 persons, share a single bathroom) and a limited number of single rooms (with its own bathroom). The SSIP discount costs:
- Single room: 6000Ft+400Ft(TAX) = 6400Ft (around 22Euro) /person/night.
- Double room: 3300Ft+400Ft(TAX)=3700Ft (around 13Euro) /person/night.
- Breakfast can be required for 750Ft /morning.
The booking should be done individually at the hotel, don't forget to refer to SSIP2013 at the hotel.